


Berikut adalah ramalan JOYO BOYO yang di rangkum dan sudah di translate ke b. inggris agar dunia tau bahwa Ramalan Joyoboyo itu adalah ada dan nyata adanya.

Besuk yen wis ana kreta tanpa jaran.

One day there will be a cart without a horse.

Tanah Jawa kalungan wesi.

The island of Java will be circled by an iron necklace.

Prahu mlaku ing dhuwur awang-awang.

There will be a boat flying in the sky.

Kali ilang kedhunge.

The river will loose its current.

Pasar ilang kumandhang.

There will be markets without crowds.

Iku tanda yen tekane jaman Jayabaya wis cedhak.

These are the signs that the Jayabaya era is coming

Bumi saya suwe saya mengkeret.

The earth will shrink.

Sekilan bumi dipajeki.

Every inch of land will be taxed.

Jaran doyan mangan sambel.

Horses will devour chili sauce.

Wong wadon nganggo pakaian lanang.

Women will dress in men's clothes.

Iku tandane yen wong bakal nemoni wolak-waliking jaman.

These are the signs that the people and their civilization have been

turned upside down.

Akeh janji ora ditetepi.

Many promises unkept..

Akeh wong wani mlanggar sumpahe dhewe.

Many break their oath..

Manungsa pada seneng nyalah.

People will tend to blame on each other.

Ora ngindahake hukum Allah.

They will ignore God's law

Barang jahat diangkat-angkat.

Evil things will be lifted up

Barang suci dibenci.

Holy things will be despised

Akeh manungsa mung ngutamake duwit.

Many people will become fixated on money

Lali kamanungsan.

Ignoring humanity.

Lali kabecikan.

Forgetting kindness.

Lali sanak lali kadang.

Abandoning their families

Akeh Bapa lali anak.

Fathers will abandon their children

Akeh anak wani nglawan ibu.

Children will be disrespectful to their mothers

Nantang bapa.

And battle against their fathers

Sedulur pada cidra.

Siblings will collide violently

Kulawarga pada curiga.

Family members will become suspicious of each other.

Kanca dadi mungsuh.

Friends become enemies.

Akeh manungsa lali asale.

People will forget their roots

Ukuman Ratu ora adil.

The queen's judgements will be unjust.

Akeh pangkat sing jahat lan ganjil.

There will be many peculiar and evil leaders

Akeh kelakuan sing ganjil.


Many will behave strangely

Wong apik-apik pada kepencil.

Good people will be isolated.

Akeh wong nyambut gawe apik-apik pada krasa isin.

Many people will be too embarrassed to do the right things

Luwih utama ngapusi.

Choosing falsehood instead

Wegah nyambut gawe.

Many will be lazy to work.

Kepingin urip mewah.

Seduced by luxury

Ngumbar nafsu angkara murka, nggedhekake duraka.

They will take the easy path of crime and deceit

Wong bener thenger-thenger.

The honest will be confused

Wong salah bungah.

The dishonest will be joyful

Wong apik ditampik-tampik.

The good will be rejected.

Wong jahat munggah pangkat.

The evil ones will rise to the top

Wong agung kesinggung.

Noble people will be wounded by unjust criticism

Wong ala kepuja.

Evil doers will be worshipped

Wong wadon ilang kawirangane.

Women will become shameless

Wong lanang ilang kaprawirane.

Men will loose their courage

Akeh wong lanang ora duwe bojo.

Men will choose not to get married.

Akeh wong wadon ora setya marang bojone.


Women will be unfaithful to their husbands.

Akeh ibu pada ngedol anake.

Mothers will sell their babies

Akeh wong wadon ngedol awake.

Women will engage in prostitution.

Akeh wong ijol bebojo.

Couples will trade partners.

Wong wadon nunggang jaran.

Women will ride horses.

Wong lanang linggih plangki.

Men will be carried in a stretcher

Randa seuang loro.

A divorcee will be valued at 17 cents

Prawan seaga lima.

A virgin will be valued at 10 cents.

Duda pincang laku sembilan uang.

A crippled men will be valued at 75 cents.

Akeh wong ngedol ngelmu.

Many will earn their living by trading their knowledge.

Akeh wong ngaku-aku.

Many will claims other's merits as their own.

Njabane putih njerone dadu.

It is only a cover for the dice.

Ngakune suci, nanging sucine palsu.

They will proclaim their righteousness despite their sinful ways

Akeh bujuk akeh lojo.

Many will use sly and dirty tricks

Akeh udan salah mangsa.

Rains will fall in the wrong season.

Akeh prawan tuwa.

Many women will remain virgins into their old age.

Akeh randa nglairake anak.

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